Saturday, January 11, 2014

In Your Face, FaceBook

I'm like everyone else I know...I have a Face Book page. And like many of my real friends (you know, those I actually know in real life?) I check it often, sometimes daily. I am not like others of my friends who "Face Book stalk" the rest of us. The voyeurs. I know a few of those only because I run into them from time to time and they make comments about my Face Book posts. "Oh, I saw that you bought a house" for example. Probably five people have made that comment and when they say that, I think, "Who told you THAT?" Because they? Are not posting anything about themselves so I almost forgot they are still alive.

There are many good things about Face Book and many not so good, as far as I am concerned.


People can and do

  •  read your posts without your knowing it
  • show off all their accomplishments, no matter how minimal (I worked out in the gym today, whoot whoot)
  •  post some ugly things (like pig roast meals and photos of celebrities cellulite)
  • show their allegiance to political issues/candidates that you despise
  • ask personal questions about your posts that you must defend
  • "unfriend" you without your knowing it
  • post photos of their FOOD==again, some ugly stuff like "ribs" and "wings" YIKES
  • say really trite things such as "Is it me or is it COLD out there?" In winter. In Vermont.
  • go on tangents about football, baseball and hockey
  • post photos of their pets on sofas, wearing stupid clothing and those big plastic clowny sunglasses
  • drunk post (need I say more?)
Face Book can and does
  • place ads by posting on your home page
  • say you "like" stuff you have never heard of
  • BLOCK YOU from getting in touch with someone who you may or may not have dated back in the '80's
  • stop you from using Face Book for 7 days, which in FB world is an eternity
  • sell your "likes" to I'm guessing Google, Amazon and any other high bidder
  • "suggest" things to you such as that you might like to date "men over 45" or use "compression garments"
  • scroll an unending stream of crap through your peripheral vision 24/7/365
  • move that stream of crap SO CLOSE to your computer home keys that you accidentally pinky touch the crap at least once every session
  • make assumptions about what you may want to do, purchase, watch, know about

These things I know. So sometimes I think "If I have to look at one more sad, beat up kennel puppy I am turning this computer off once and for all!" And I go to warm, safe, easy to manage PINTEREST! Eventually I get bored looking a lovely moonlit skies, ways to DIY crafty crafts on a budget, pinning lovely front doors and natural images...But then, the inevitable comes and I think, "Hey, I wonder what words of inspiration Vicki has today?" or "I think it's someone's birthday today" and it all comes tumbling down.


Face Book does keep us in touch with those we let into our feed. It can be used to find lost dogs, create Amber Alerts, plead for those needing our money, love and prayers, show care and concern, keep us laughing. It is a forum for us to show allegiance to our home teams, to our President, to Bernie Sanders (my personal hero) and our mayor. It can help alleviate boredom. Keep us connected. Help us to remember that we are all social beings and we do need one another.

Granted, I don't really NEED to know about my cousin Rose's "squats" at the gym but it is nice to see that she is surviving the breakup with her ex-fiance and getting back out there. I don't NEED to know that Matt ran 10 miles yesterday but it's great to know it makes him happy and fit, I don't NEED to hear about Carol's next singing debut at Bella's, but it is nice to know that she is out there doing what she loves--and yes, I will buy your new CD, Carol! It is great to hear that Michelle is getting on with her life, that Jodi appreciates her family, that Julie is still skiing Stowe, that Lyle still watches the news, that Gillian's kids are still doing "science experiments" on the living room sofa.

So, for all the bad things that Face Book puts us through? It also allows us a sense of community that prior to this on-line one? Other than through family and work? I did not feel. A woman at work is forever using the statement "It takes a village." We do need one another, not only to survive...but to thrive.

And when you have a birthday?Best wishes come in droves. Or lose a brother to a heart attack? Those you barely know will wish you luck, pray for you. Sincerely come right out of the woodwork and message you, get your mailing address and send you a sympathy card. Folks who, prior to Face Book, were just acquaintances. Because, like it or not, Face Book IS a village.
And, do not forget, folks: if you don't like something someone posts on Face Book, you can "hide" their post, turn them in or "unfriend them." There are security options galore if you educate yourself to them.
A word to the wise, though? Don't let the marauders know you are out of town by posting it on Face Book. You may just come home to an empty shell of a house...but if that happens? You can always post it on Face Book and get the village to give you a hand in righting that wrong.

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