I left my i phone at work and did not realize it until I was almost home. By then, not only did I know I couldn't PHONE to tell someone to hide it and shut it off, the office I had left was about to close and I wasn't even in Stowe, yet. So I thought WHO do I know who has a phone and will lend it to me in Stowe? My old landlords/friends would let me, but I didn't want the first time I had seen them since my brother's funeral to be a Can I Use Your Phone, I'm Such a Fool I Forgot Mine, again time...so I remembered Chris who works at a convenience store in Stowe has a phone and definitely would let me use it. Sans Drama.
So he did and Darlene said she'd put it away. I intended to go back for it on Saturday. But it's ninety miles both ways and all I needed to really do is tell my family and ONE FRIEND that I was without a phone.
Saturday was Green Up day and it went without a hitch except that I had to find a place in one town over to pick something up I had agreed to pick up on Front Page Forum, our neighborhood bulletin board. I emailed both of my sisters and neither wrote right back, making me realize TEXTING IS FASTER, and felt upset with them that they didn't think my lack of planning was their emergency.
Then during Greening UP Vermont, I could and would have taken multiple photos that I then would have tweeted or texted to fam or posted on Facebook but I couldn't because I was living PHONE FREE. This "what if there's an emergency" life we live is ok if you are a mom with kids on a camp out or driving out of the state or at the hands of a psychopath, but this every day "what it there's an emergency" is for the birds.
Of course, when my debit card was declined if I had a phone I WOULD have gotten right on that phone with Key Bank and told them what was what. But I had cash in my house so it was just a tad embarrassing and the store manager was very nice about it and held my groceries and I got them back without too much drama. Nobody in my family stopped by as far as I can tell since nobody left a note. I went lawn sailing and bought (with cash) quite a lot of stuff...without using my card. OR PHONE for directions. Just driving around and finding the place more or less in my neighborhood that I had never been to before. So all in all my life this weekend was good. No use of a phone after Friday pm. Not missing it much, either. Of course, I have a laptop, dvds, a tv and NETFLIX, for the time being, anyway.
But because my debit card was compromised, I do need to figure out who takes money out of my account each month, get a new card and give them permission to keep doing it. Or maybe I will only allow my bank and my insurance company to do that from now on. Well, and Netflix. Everyone else? Can go ------themselves! I did have a quiet weekend, after all, and realized that only during my interstate drive back to work on the following Monday, did I look down to check a phone that was not with me and hadn't been all weekend. I deliberately did not listen to the radio, either. No electronic anything for me until I made it back to work, got it, plugged it in--because nobody at work thought to plug the darned thing in all weekend--and started my work week when I should have. At work, not hours before.