Friday, May 10, 2013

My Life List

It changes all the time, I add things I think would be cool, delete things that seem unattainable. And rarely do I ever accomplish any of the items so instead of being called a Life List I call it a Dream List or sometimes Vision Board.

My niece, who is six, calls it her "bucket list" like from the movie. "Oh," she will say when I speak of a museum or a zoo..."that's on our bucket list." The thought that that little angel needs to plan out things to do before she dies is just too gruesome a thing to consider...but she's got one.

Mine is simple and includes categories such as going places to have a nice meal, experiencing trips/journies, a spa day, renting a cabin in Maine, that sort of thing. All of which are attainable.

But what if I were less practical in my listing of things? What if I put things on my list such as "live in a yurt" or "own and operate a Bed and Breakfast" instead of "sleep in a yurt" and "stay at a bed and breakfast on Maple Street"?  What if I went crazy with my list and flipped through a mag of African safaris? "Ride an elephant" could be added. "run with a zebra"--that sort of thing.

What if....but probably not

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