My one year older sister Jerri has died. Of unknown causes. Typical of my family deaths. And her death is not one that one would just be able to say, “Oh, I am so f= sorry for your loss.” It’s not just another Mason death. One nobody can just put in a box, read the obituary and check off as normal.
Lorette died in her sleep at age nineteen. No known cause. Just dead at 19. This occurred while I was in my second week in college. And then I got out of school and, many years later, way before we got used to DEATH, death came to us. Again.
And it was one after the other after the other. First it was our father, who was innocently about to mount a horse. He was then thrown from that horse and was struck dead, days later. Of an aneurism.
At age sixty eight. The age I will be an a few years.
Then my artist niece Lucinda died. In her 30’s.
Alberta died of an infection caused by an infected tooth. Age 60.
Aced died of a massive heart attack whilst chainsawing down a tree in a local forest. Age 60.
And now Jerri has died. Unknown reasons. One year my senior.
I remember that my supervisor at my city job once said that we were being hit on the chin. My family was hit on the chin. And it was true. We had brothers in law and many friends who died during those years as well, and was out of work soooo much that it seemed ridiculous, I didn’t apologize. I just took it.
I took it.
That’s what you do when you are a Vermonter, a member of a huge family. A tribe. It’s a tribal expectation.
And now, I am a person who had two living parents and ten living siblings in the seventies/ now have no parents and only five living siblings. There are six of them and five of us. We are now outnumbered.